
Slimming Shakes With Mango

If we consume these shakes at breakfast, the handle will satisfy us and help stave off hunger until lunchtime.

Slimming Shakes With Mango

The shakes have become one of the most important to accompany some diets that follow diet options, as these drinks are very easy to prepare and, besides being delicious, are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for the healthy body.

This time we will offer some smoothie recipes with mango, as are very effective to help promote diets that continue to lose weight. Importantly, mango, besides being a fruit of exquisite taste, has a high nutritional value because it is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The handle has the ability to help you lose weight, because the satiety that provides the body, which prevents feel hungry in the morning, obviously if this shake is consumed with breakfast.

Mango Smoothie # 1


A quarter cup diced mango.
A quarter cup of mashed ripe avocado.
A quarter cup of fresh mango juice.
A quarter cup of nonfat vanilla yogurt.
A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
A spoonful of sugar.
Several ice cubes


With the help of a blender mix all ingredients until thoroughly incorporated. This rich and nutritious shake is ready to drink in a few seconds, you can drink immediately or you can wear to the office to take it slowly.

Pineapple Smoothie # 2 with handle

Slimming Shakes With Mango

This shake is ideal to start the day, it gives us a lot of nutrients that are really important to maintain good health of the whole organism.


A well-ripe mango.
A slice of pineapple.
250 grams of nonfat yogurt.
Lemon juice.
Artificial sweetener.
Ice (as needed).


The first thing you should do is peel the fruit, then put all the ingredients in a blender and beat for several minutes until a proper consistency. Preferably- should be consumed at the same time preparing.


These recipes are very effective in preventing hunger while giving us time to get the next meal; however, more importantly realize them promptly to take them regularly, since the frequency and consistency are the most effective in achieving our goals, especially when it comes to weight loss tool.
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The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

Regular use of these infusions help us eliminate fluid retention. Since it is convenient to have digestive properties make them after lunch to take advantage of all its benefits

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

Retention or dropsy is a very common ailment among us. Now, by common it is, it does not mean that is normal.

Sometimes it can be a symptom of heart or kidney problems, hence we should always know its origin. Although our bodies try to readjust the level of liquids through hormones, not always possible, and then swelling, heaviness ...

It is customary for water retention due mostly sedentary lifestyle, stress, a poor diet ... It is therefore important that always count on the advice of your doctor.

As for our part, we recommend regularly taking these infusions as healthier than insurance, they'll help.

1. Infusion of boldo, very suitable for your liver

Infusions Boldo leaves are usually very beneficial, as long as we do not overdo their consumption, and also know the contraindications:

It is very suitable for removing toxins from the body, treating urinary tract infections and regulate the incidence of gastrointestinal upset or gas purifying and diuretic plant.

Boldo is a good protector of the liver functions, strengthens and further purifies the accumulated heavy metals and toxic substances.

It would be appropriate for you to take 3 to 4 times a week, 15 minutes after your main meal of the day.

Will not be suitable to drink this infusion of boldo if you are pregnant, if you take blood-thinning medications or if you suffer obstruction of conduits biliales. This plant favors the production of bile, which may compound the problem.

Never take more than three cups of boldo a day, since leaves contain a type of alkaloid very powerful.


½ tablespoon of leaves boldo (3 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
A little orange rind (5 g)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


Boil that glass of water and, when it comes to a boil, add the leaves of the boldo and orange peel to infusionen.
Let it be the fire about 15 minutes to rest another 10.
Sweetened with honey and drink slowly. You will love the taste!

2. Ponytail

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

You find ponytail in pharmacies and natural stores as well as in the section of your supermarket infusions. It is very great therapeutic to combat and fluid retention.

You should know that their best properties are in their stem, which have a slightly bitter taste of chamomile and horsetail to be developed from herbal syrups, essences, creams ...

Your benefits in our daily lives are multiple:
It is diuretic.
It is healing.
It is gastrointestinal.
It acts as a good antioxidant and cell regenerator.
Promotes weight loss.
Strengthens our hair and our fingernails.


1 tablespoon ponytail (5 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


We begin as always, that glass of water heating. Once you see it has come to a boil, add the ponytail and let infuse.
When you spend 15 minutes, turn off heat and let sit.
Then add that little bit of lemon juice and sweetened with honey. You can take every day in the morning.

3. White Tea to combat fluid retention

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

White tea can find it in health food or specialty stores. It is important that the leaves look good: they must have a silver tone, which means they are the most tender and many more antioxidants outbreaks.

Indeed, it is important to know that this ancient drink is the most powerful in terms of antioxidants, much more than green tea. It is ideal for purifying the body to eliminate toxins, promote circulation, regulate cholesterol and have a much more elastic and attractive skin.

Worth taking so regulate one or two cups of black tea a day. Your body is going to notice.


1 tablespoon white tea (5 g) (more silvery buds)
1 cup water (200 ml)


When preparing any tea, it is well suited, instead of aluminum kettle, use a ceramic or clay: the essential oils of the plants are enhanced more.
You just have to put water to boil and then add these tender shoots of white tea. Let come to a boil and then rest 10 minutes.
Very suitable for your breakfast or afternoon.

4. The great benefits of dandelion

As you have indicated at the beginning, it is important to know what causes our retention. However, many nutritionists tell us that usually take too much salt in our foods, and this has a direct bearing on this problem

Dandelion will help us to not only remove the excess salt, but any accumulation of toxins that prevent proper drainage of our hormones are responsible.

Power liver health, help us to better absorb nutrients from food and also is well suited to supplement our diets to lose weight.

Take note of how you prepare your infusion.


1 tablespoon dandelion (5 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

This infusion is very appropriate if you take it after your main meals. It will help you improve your digestion and prevent fluid retention.
To do this, you just have to boil that glass of water and infuse dandelion. If you sweeten with a little honey flavor it will be much more enjoyable.

You will see how well you feel.
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Garlic And Onions: Antitumor Allies Should Not Miss In Your Diet

Garlic And Onions: Antitumor Allies Should Not Miss In Your Diet

To benefit from the properties both garlic and onion is important that consume raw. There are several studies that support their ability to prevent some cancers

Both garlic and onions belong to that kind of bulbous plants of the Allium class are characterized, above all, by its sulfur content.

They are a basic and essential spice in cuisines all over the world. Therefore we can say that are almost the DNA of our dishes.

Now, you also know that the essential compounds can act in very interesting to protect against different types of tumor processes so?

Garlic and onions, protectors of our health

They have conducted several studies to find out whether garlic and onions have some direct benefit which can prevent cancer.

We can say that the results are different and that we must consider the following:

The National Cancer Institute of the United States indicates that these two bulbous plant can not prevent 100% that we develop cancer.

It also recognizes that garlic is a food that could have very interesting anti-cancer properties and is being studied for several years by the pharmaceutical industry.

Studies worldwide have been mixed and, today, is unknown what quantities would be appropriate to benefit from these active ingredients that can help to prevent, within a range, the incidence of cancer.

According to various studies, cancers that have helped prevent more are associated with the digestive system, such as stomach cancer or colorectal cancer.

1. medicinal compounds in garlic and onions

Garlic And Onions: Antitumor Allies Should Not Miss In Your Diet

These two bulbous vegetables are rich in very interesting phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and phytochemicals, for example, sulfur.

The anticancer properties of garlic are higher than those of the onion. This is due in particular to arginine, oligosaccharides and their selenium, elements very beneficial for health.

Oncologists indicate that, although epidemiological studies have been mixed, the only objective conclusion has been able to obtain is that onions and garlic can prevent (not cure) many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

This quercetin in these two plants is one of the most interesting compounds. It is the most powerful bioflavonoid to address the appearance of cancer cells.

Today they are conducting many clinical trials to isolate this type of bioflavonoid and synthesize experimental drugs.

Experts indicate that garlic and onions are suitable to act as protectors against cancer, but we must also take into account the lifestyles of each person, their demographic characteristics and to assess their personal benefit with more objectivity and security.

However, a diet rich in bioflavonoids always be suitable for everyone, but we accompany it with a healthy lifestyle, which is set aside snuff and nourish us properly.

The power of the sulfur

The mechanism of action most interesting of the onions and garlic is especially sulfur.

This mineral prevents the formation of potentially carcinogenic compounds, such as nitrosamines and heterocyclic amines.

We must also remember that these two plants are known for their antimicrobial power, so that control inflammation, infections and therefore may avoid delay -not 100% - a possible occurrence or tumor progression.

How to benefit from garlic and onions

Garlic And Onions: Antitumor Allies Should Not Miss In Your Diet

What kind of onion is most suitable and how do I consume?

The onion is the food that contains more quercetin, a bioflavonoid aforementioned may help prevent cancers, especially those associated with the digestive system.

It is best eaten in raw form, in small quantities and accompanied by other raw vegetables, such as salad with tomatoes, spinach or red peppers.

How should I eat garlic?

As you indicated numerous times in our space, it is appropriate to take a clove of raw garlic fasting accompanied by a glass of water. It is much better than a vitamin, and long-term results are noticed.

As curiosity we tell you that to preserve its properties when you must cook it is advisable to break it or crush it a little earlier, and let stand 5 minutes.

Thus they go abroad alliin and quercetin to combine more effectively with food during cooking, but during this process always lose many of the benefits.

What if we do not digest well the garlic and onion?

A fact to keep in mind is that not everyone can eat the garlic fasting or your salads with raw onion. What can we do?

Chop the onion and leave one hour in warm water, not hot. Thus the most irritating substances sulfuric leave.

In the case of garlic, whether cooked largely we lose its medicinal enzymes. To benefit it is important to eat it raw, so try to consume less, at least half raw garlic each morning.
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10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

Did you know apple is the ideal fruit to regulate appetite? And thanks to phosphorus helps us sleep and improve memory

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier
Apples are in many varieties in the world and currently known as one of the healthiest nutrient-rich fruits health.

For many years they have been used as a basis for preparing multi-ingredient recipes, because its flavor is great on salads, cakes, desserts and other preparations to delight the palate.

But beyond that, the research conducted in recent years with regard to their consumption have demonstrated that eating at least one a day you can do much good health.

Nevertheless, today there are many people that do not include it in their diet or they do not know how beneficial it can be when eaten regularly.

Do not hesitate to buy the next time you go to the market, then we will share 10 reasons why your daily intake can make you healthier.

1. Improve your brain health

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

In the apple peel a powerful antioxidant called quercetin, which could be more powerful than vitamin C in protecting brain cells against oxidative damage caused by the action of free radicals concentrated.

Consuming a day could help maintain a good memory and prevent neurological damage.

2. Is anticancer

It has important levels of catechins and quercetinas, antioxidants which inhibit free radical molecules that give rise to cancer cell development.

The compounds that are in your shell could play a special role in the prevention of liver cancer, colon and breast.

3. Clean the arteries

It contains a type of fiber known as pectin, which can reduce levels of bad cholesterol that clogs the arteries long term.

Moreover, its antioxidants protect the cardiovascular system by preventing fats adhere to the arterial walls.

4. Lower risk of diabetes

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

A person who eats an apple a day, have less chance of developing diabetes compared to those who do not consume.

Pectin helps regulate sugar levels in the blood due to its ability to release the sugars and heavy metals like mercury and lead.

5. Reduce the risk of stroke

The antioxidant compounds and nutrients from the apple may reduce the risk of having a stroke or stroke.

This concluded a study by scientists at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands, who showed that people who ate a lot of apples (along with white fruits and vegetables) reduced their risk of cerebrovascular problems.

6. Regulates bowel function

Each piece of apple can bring up to 5 grams of fiber, made necessary to regulate bowel function and prevent diseases like diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

It may sound contradictory, but also acts as a natural anti-diarrhea and a mild laxative. So, on one hand it serves to cases of gastroenteritis and colitis or, on the other, is ideal to cope with constipation.

7. Help you lose weight

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

You can not say that an apple is a "fat burner" natural food because so far no scientific evidence to verify it.

What we can say is that it is ideally placed to support the diet to lose weight, because it improves digestion fruit is low in calories and its high contribution of fiber provides a feeling of satiety that prevents excessive intake of food.

8. Improving the quality of sleep

It has a slight sedative effect due to its content of phosphorus. It is recommended to eat before bed to prevent sleep problems such as insomnia.

In addition, phosphorus is recommended to strengthen memory and prevent brain damage.

9. Dental Health Care

He has earned the nickname "toothbrush nature" because it has the ability to clean teeth and reduce the number of bacteria that can cause tooth decay.

Of course, does not ensure a full and proper hygiene, but at least serves to such emergencies where no toothbrush and toothpaste on hand.

10. Good for bones

Calcium is not the only mineral that require the bones to be stronger and healthier. The apple can be very useful for this purpose, as it provides them boron ore with an important role in the bone marrow.
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Tomato Base Lunch and Dinner

Tomato Base Lunch and Dinner

45 ml (3 tbsp) extra virgin olive oil
10 ml (2 tsp) virgin coconut oil
1 onion, sliced
1 clove garlic, chopped (optional)
Small pinch chilli powder
(according to taste)
1 x 400 g tin of plum tomatoes
30 ml (2 tbsp) tomato puree
Pinch of dried parsley
1 organic vegetable stock cube
(Organic contains no MSG)

1. Heat oils together and add sliced onions; fry
for 5 minutes.
2. Add garlic. (At this stage, you can add a
chicken breast, diced lamb or other meat).
3. Add the chilli, tomatoes, Stock cube, tomato
puree and parsley and bring to the boil;
simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

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Looking After Your White Teeth

If you take care of your teeth at home through proper brushing and flossing along with regular dental checkups, you will be taking the right steps towards maintaining white teeth while preventing tooth decay, gum disease, and other infections.

Looking After Your White Teeth

Many people fear a visit to the dentist and try to avoid it at all costs. However, most people do not brush or floss their teeth properly or on a regular basis. Performing those two tasks is the easiest way to avoid the dentist’s drill and keep white teeth. Do not wait until the last minute or when conditions are severe to take action. Through adequate brushing, flossing, and nutrition, you will ensure that you have healthy, clean, and white teeth

Useful Tips on Brushing and Flossing

Brush your white teeth for no less than two minutes twice a day. 45-degrees is the best brushing angle and start at the meeting point between gum and tooth. Brush surfaces on both inside and out.
Brush gently because brushing too hard can cause loose teeth and receding gums. Be sure to take appropriate care if you have sensitive teeth. Also, do not forget to thoroughly brush the roof of your mouth and your tongue.

When flossing, you want to be careful so that you don’t injure your gums. Carefully form a “C” around each tooth and move the floss up and down without forcing the floss into your gums.

Additional Tips

Following a diet of good nutrition is highly recommended if one wants to maintain a healthy mouth. Sugar is the largest contributor to tooth decay. However, as much as your white teeth may be important to you, it will be extremely difficult to stop eating sugary foods altogether. Instead, try to only eat starches and sugars with a meal. Do not eat them between meals.

Eat low sugar foods such as crackers, cheese, yogurt, or vegetables for a snack. Always brush your teeth right after if possible, but if not, rinse your mouth out with water to limit the effect of harmful acids.
Most importantly, do not avoid visiting the dentist! Although the experience is often uncomfortable and intimidating, one will avoid a painful or complicated visit by keeping check-ups regular and by sticking to basic tooth care guidelines.
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How To Quickly Grow Hair

How To Quickly Grow Hair

Beautiful, long and thick hair - the dream of most women. Someone endowed by nature with beautiful hair, but someone has to use many cosmetics to achieve the beauty of their hair. It all depends on the person and his body. Someone hair grows quickly, and someone grows his hair for months. So what is connected with such a difference in hair growth? Why do some they are growing rapidly, while others do not? How to quickly grow hair? On these and other questions we try to answer in this short article.

 Before you begin to describe the methods and techniques that help hair growth, you should know the structure of the hair, the reason for their growth and what determines the rate of growth. Of course biology knows that every human hair follicles grow them, in which there are different chemical processes appear and the hair on the human body. In the human body to be more than one million of follicles, but not all are able to grow hair. Hair growth is divided by biologists into three stages:

1. The active growth of hair follicles. This process is very long and can take anywhere from one to five years.

2. The next step takes approximately six months. This is considered a transitional stage.

3. Death and the loss of a human hair. The final stage of the existence of the hair when it grows and under its own weight falls from the follicles. And in its place a new hair begins to grow.

The average growth rate of a human hair is 11 to 15 mm per month. The growth rate depends on age. In his youth, hair grow faster, and in old age very slowly. We should not forget that the increase in the rate of growth depends on the hair type (dry, oily or normal).

To keep your hair strong, growing quickly and has a magnificent head of hair to properly care for them, to nourish the hair roots. Thereby you stimulate chemical reactions in the follicles and your hair will grow faster, become so brittle and less will fall. But to care for their hair should be approached comprehensively, given the type of hair and their natural color. Use not only strengthen hair mask, and special shampoos, massage the scalp, eat more vitamins, regularly wash and care for their hair.
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