10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

Did you know apple is the ideal fruit to regulate appetite? And thanks to phosphorus helps us sleep and improve memory

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier
Apples are in many varieties in the world and currently known as one of the healthiest nutrient-rich fruits health.

For many years they have been used as a basis for preparing multi-ingredient recipes, because its flavor is great on salads, cakes, desserts and other preparations to delight the palate.

But beyond that, the research conducted in recent years with regard to their consumption have demonstrated that eating at least one a day you can do much good health.

Nevertheless, today there are many people that do not include it in their diet or they do not know how beneficial it can be when eaten regularly.

Do not hesitate to buy the next time you go to the market, then we will share 10 reasons why your daily intake can make you healthier.

1. Improve your brain health

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

In the apple peel a powerful antioxidant called quercetin, which could be more powerful than vitamin C in protecting brain cells against oxidative damage caused by the action of free radicals concentrated.

Consuming a day could help maintain a good memory and prevent neurological damage.

2. Is anticancer

It has important levels of catechins and quercetinas, antioxidants which inhibit free radical molecules that give rise to cancer cell development.

The compounds that are in your shell could play a special role in the prevention of liver cancer, colon and breast.

3. Clean the arteries

It contains a type of fiber known as pectin, which can reduce levels of bad cholesterol that clogs the arteries long term.

Moreover, its antioxidants protect the cardiovascular system by preventing fats adhere to the arterial walls.

4. Lower risk of diabetes

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

A person who eats an apple a day, have less chance of developing diabetes compared to those who do not consume.

Pectin helps regulate sugar levels in the blood due to its ability to release the sugars and heavy metals like mercury and lead.

5. Reduce the risk of stroke

The antioxidant compounds and nutrients from the apple may reduce the risk of having a stroke or stroke.

This concluded a study by scientists at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands, who showed that people who ate a lot of apples (along with white fruits and vegetables) reduced their risk of cerebrovascular problems.

6. Regulates bowel function

Each piece of apple can bring up to 5 grams of fiber, made necessary to regulate bowel function and prevent diseases like diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

It may sound contradictory, but also acts as a natural anti-diarrhea and a mild laxative. So, on one hand it serves to cases of gastroenteritis and colitis or, on the other, is ideal to cope with constipation.

7. Help you lose weight

10 Reasons To Eat An Apple Will Make You Healthier

You can not say that an apple is a "fat burner" natural food because so far no scientific evidence to verify it.

What we can say is that it is ideally placed to support the diet to lose weight, because it improves digestion fruit is low in calories and its high contribution of fiber provides a feeling of satiety that prevents excessive intake of food.

8. Improving the quality of sleep

It has a slight sedative effect due to its content of phosphorus. It is recommended to eat before bed to prevent sleep problems such as insomnia.

In addition, phosphorus is recommended to strengthen memory and prevent brain damage.

9. Dental Health Care

He has earned the nickname "toothbrush nature" because it has the ability to clean teeth and reduce the number of bacteria that can cause tooth decay.

Of course, does not ensure a full and proper hygiene, but at least serves to such emergencies where no toothbrush and toothpaste on hand.

10. Good for bones

Calcium is not the only mineral that require the bones to be stronger and healthier. The apple can be very useful for this purpose, as it provides them boron ore with an important role in the bone marrow.