The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

Regular use of these infusions help us eliminate fluid retention. Since it is convenient to have digestive properties make them after lunch to take advantage of all its benefits

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

Retention or dropsy is a very common ailment among us. Now, by common it is, it does not mean that is normal.

Sometimes it can be a symptom of heart or kidney problems, hence we should always know its origin. Although our bodies try to readjust the level of liquids through hormones, not always possible, and then swelling, heaviness ...

It is customary for water retention due mostly sedentary lifestyle, stress, a poor diet ... It is therefore important that always count on the advice of your doctor.

As for our part, we recommend regularly taking these infusions as healthier than insurance, they'll help.

1. Infusion of boldo, very suitable for your liver

Infusions Boldo leaves are usually very beneficial, as long as we do not overdo their consumption, and also know the contraindications:

It is very suitable for removing toxins from the body, treating urinary tract infections and regulate the incidence of gastrointestinal upset or gas purifying and diuretic plant.

Boldo is a good protector of the liver functions, strengthens and further purifies the accumulated heavy metals and toxic substances.

It would be appropriate for you to take 3 to 4 times a week, 15 minutes after your main meal of the day.

Will not be suitable to drink this infusion of boldo if you are pregnant, if you take blood-thinning medications or if you suffer obstruction of conduits biliales. This plant favors the production of bile, which may compound the problem.

Never take more than three cups of boldo a day, since leaves contain a type of alkaloid very powerful.


½ tablespoon of leaves boldo (3 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
A little orange rind (5 g)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


Boil that glass of water and, when it comes to a boil, add the leaves of the boldo and orange peel to infusionen.
Let it be the fire about 15 minutes to rest another 10.
Sweetened with honey and drink slowly. You will love the taste!

2. Ponytail

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

You find ponytail in pharmacies and natural stores as well as in the section of your supermarket infusions. It is very great therapeutic to combat and fluid retention.

You should know that their best properties are in their stem, which have a slightly bitter taste of chamomile and horsetail to be developed from herbal syrups, essences, creams ...

Your benefits in our daily lives are multiple:
It is diuretic.
It is healing.
It is gastrointestinal.
It acts as a good antioxidant and cell regenerator.
Promotes weight loss.
Strengthens our hair and our fingernails.


1 tablespoon ponytail (5 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


We begin as always, that glass of water heating. Once you see it has come to a boil, add the ponytail and let infuse.
When you spend 15 minutes, turn off heat and let sit.
Then add that little bit of lemon juice and sweetened with honey. You can take every day in the morning.

3. White Tea to combat fluid retention

The 4 Best Natural Plants To Combat Water Retention

White tea can find it in health food or specialty stores. It is important that the leaves look good: they must have a silver tone, which means they are the most tender and many more antioxidants outbreaks.

Indeed, it is important to know that this ancient drink is the most powerful in terms of antioxidants, much more than green tea. It is ideal for purifying the body to eliminate toxins, promote circulation, regulate cholesterol and have a much more elastic and attractive skin.

Worth taking so regulate one or two cups of black tea a day. Your body is going to notice.


1 tablespoon white tea (5 g) (more silvery buds)
1 cup water (200 ml)


When preparing any tea, it is well suited, instead of aluminum kettle, use a ceramic or clay: the essential oils of the plants are enhanced more.
You just have to put water to boil and then add these tender shoots of white tea. Let come to a boil and then rest 10 minutes.
Very suitable for your breakfast or afternoon.

4. The great benefits of dandelion

As you have indicated at the beginning, it is important to know what causes our retention. However, many nutritionists tell us that usually take too much salt in our foods, and this has a direct bearing on this problem

Dandelion will help us to not only remove the excess salt, but any accumulation of toxins that prevent proper drainage of our hormones are responsible.

Power liver health, help us to better absorb nutrients from food and also is well suited to supplement our diets to lose weight.

Take note of how you prepare your infusion.


1 tablespoon dandelion (5 g)
1 cup water (200 ml)
1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

This infusion is very appropriate if you take it after your main meals. It will help you improve your digestion and prevent fluid retention.
To do this, you just have to boil that glass of water and infuse dandelion. If you sweeten with a little honey flavor it will be much more enjoyable.

You will see how well you feel.