Healthy Nutrition Everyone In Our Diets

As part of a healthy diet, Whole food play an essential role in helping our bodies function to do its job. There are hundreds and hundreds of whole food very nutritious, but eight healthy food you give in this list serve to provide our body with good nutrients also assist in curing certain diseases.

Indeed, every edible that are on this list has many healing effects, attending the fight against cancer, reduce cholesterol, to protect the body against heart disease and some more.
If sieguiente consumes food in their diets can be sure that will have super-healing healthy and to feel good feeding.

Here we will show you which are edible but appropriate for a healthy food and sustain our body well kept, but it also will show that we should include everyone in our diets.


healthy foods

This small, nutrient-rich fruit gives an incredible amount of vitamin C (twice the amount found in oranges), also it has more fiber than apples, bananas. The unique blend of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals found in kiwifruit helps protect the body against heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory diseases.

Thrive assist blood circulation in addition to this naturally supports kiwi vascular health through training reduced spontaneous blood clots, LDL cholesterol reduction, and reducing blood pressure.

Multiple studies have shown that kiwifruit not only burden dwindles and oxidative DNA damage, but it also causes damaged cells to repair itself. Kiwis are recommended as part of a healthy diet for people with cancer and heart, and in Chinese medicine is used to speed the healing of wounds and sores.

How much to eat:

Try eating one to two kiwifruit a day while they are in season, for better flavor and better food. In California kiwis are in the October to May period, and the New Zealand kiwifruit are free from April to November.


healthy meals

Cherries have a long list of healing powers hence making a part of this list of healthy food.

They are also filled with substances that assist fight inflammation and cancer. As if that were not enough, in many laboratory studies, quercetin and ellagic acid, two compounds contained in cherries, have proven to inhibit the growth of tumors and even destroy cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Cherries also have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Anthocyanin, another compound in cherries, is credited with reducing levels of uric acid in the blood. Scholars believe that anthocyanins may also reduce your risk of colon cancer.

Besides this, these compounds leave as a natural way of ibuprofen, which helps to reduce inflammation and to stop pain. Regular consumption of this fruit can assist you to have a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes. In Chinese medicine, the cherries are routinely used as an antidote for arthritis and rheumatism (such as anemia, due to its high iron content). As if that were not enough, they are exquisite.

How much to eat:

You can consume a daily ration, while they are in season. You can also hold a frozen bag in the freezer for the remainder of cherries; frozen cherries retain one hundred percent of their nutritional value and make a great addition to smoothies as youghourt and oats.


Wash it really well, since the conventionally grown cherries can be high in pesticides.


Guavas are a small tropical fruit that can be round, oval or pear-shaped. These are not as common, which could be very difficult to find, depending on where you live. But if you can find it is very advisable to consume them.

The guavas have more of the antioxidant lycopene that fights cancer than any other fruit or vegetables, and almost twenty percent more than tomatoes. Our body can not process the majority of lycopene from tomatoes until such time as they are cooked; while the cellular structure of guavas' allows the antioxidant to be absorbed whether the fruit is raw or cooked.

Lycopene protects our healthy cells from free radicals that can cause all kinds of damage, including blocked arteries, joint degeneration, the restless system problems, and even cancer. While the outcomes are mixed, the consumption of lycopene partner with lower rates of prostate cancer in some studies has.

To make matters worse, men with prostate tumors who consumed lycopene supplements showed significant improvements, tumors become smaller and reduced their malignancy, they discovered some studies. Lycopene also has been found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, but not least research suggests that this antioxidant may also attend protect us against coronary heart disease.This odd-looking little fruit is also packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Serving for serving, guavas offer a sixty percent more potassium than a banana, which can assist protect us against heart disease and stroke. Indeed, the nutrients found in guavas have proven that dwindles LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides and blood pressure.

How much to eat:

Try to eat fresh guavas as often as practicable if you can find in stores. Most guava juice are processed and are sweetened, which do not give exactly the same feed as if fresh fruit. One or two guavas a day is enough.


Opt for Colorado consume guavas inside if you can; both are loaded with antioxidants, but the red type has more than Guava white interior also called apple guava.